Investor FAQs

Q: Where is Nova LifeStyle headquartered?
   A: 6565 E. Washington Blvd., Commerce, CA 90040, USA

Q: How can I invest in Nova LifeStyle? Can I purchase Nova LifeStyle stock directly from the Company?
     A: You can purchase stock in the Company through a registered brokerage or stock purchase service provider of your choice. You cannot buy Nova LifeStyle stock directly from the company.

Q: On what exchange does Nova LifeStyle trade and what is its ticker symbol?
     A: Nova LifeStyle is traded on the NASDAQ under the ticker symbol: NVFY

Q: How can I listen to Nova LifeStyle' earnings calls?
     A: You can listen to the earnings call here: (Fourth Quarter and Year End 2014) (First Quarter 2015)

Q: When and where is the Nova LifeStyle Annual Stockholders Meeting?
     A: You can see when Nova LifeStyle will be holding its Annual Stockholders Meeting by visiting our News and Events webpage for dates and times.

Q: How many common shares of Nova LifeStyle are outstanding?
     A: 26.0 million

Q: When is the fiscal year end for Nova LifeStyle?
     A: December 31

Q: Does Nova LifeStyle offer a Direct Stock Purchase Plan (DSPP or DRIP)?
     A: At this time Nova LifeStyle does not offer a direct stock purchase plan

Q: Does Nova LifeStyle pay a dividend?
     A: At this time Nova LifeStyle does not pay a dividend.

Q: Who is Nova LifeStyle Independent auditor?
     A: Centurion ZD CPA & Co.